February 7, 2025

Telma Kinney

Advanced Gadgets

Why Augmented Reality Changes Everything


Imagine a world where you can see the real world around you, but also see things that aren’t there. That’s augmented reality (AR). A combination of computer-generated graphics and real-world elements, AR is changing how we interact with everything from businesses to entertainment. AR has been around for a long time, but recent breakthroughs in technology have made it easier than ever to create and share these experiences on smartphones. In this article, I’ll explain what augmented reality is and why it’s so important—and then show you how to get started with Apple’s ARKit platform!

What is augmented reality?

Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that overlays digital information onto the real world. You’ve probably seen it in action if you’ve ever downloaded an app like Snapchat, Pokemon Go or Clumsy Ninja on your phone. But how does it work?

The first step is to take a picture or video of something in front of you–a building, a person’s face or even your own hand. Then software uses computer vision to recognize what’s in the image and process its surroundings before adding graphics or animations over top of them via augmented reality glasses like Google Glasses or Microsoft HoloLens.

The difference between AR and virtual reality is that while both technologies involve immersing users into an entirely new environment through technology (VR), VR takes place inside headsets where everything around them disappears while they’re wearing their device; whereas with AR nothing changes at all except for whatever was already there now having been altered slightly by extra visual elements being added onto it from another dimension outside our own physical world space which we can still interact with freely without worrying about bumping into anything else because everything else around us remains unchanged as well!

Augmented reality will transform the way we experience the world.

Augmented reality will change how we experience the world. It’ll change how we interact with it, learn and communicate, work and play.

It’s not just about overlaying virtual objects on top of your real-world environment anymore–augmented reality can be used to create entirely new experiences that feel as if they’re happening around you in real time.

Augmented reality is the future of entertainment.

Augmented reality is the future of entertainment.

For decades, we have been watching experiences on screens. But as technology advances, we are able to create more immersive experiences that allow us to experience things in new ways and places. Augmented reality has the power to transform how we interact with each other and what we do while we’re doing it–whether it’s at home or on vacation, at work or play.

It makes sense then that one of the industries embracing this technology early on is entertainment: movies, television shows, video games…you name it! And since these forms of media rely heavily on storytelling (and some might argue even more so than advertising does), there’s no doubt that AR will play a big role in shaping their future success over time if not already today [1].

Augmented reality is changing how we learn and communicate.

Augmented reality is a powerful tool for learning. It allows teachers to share their knowledge with students in new and exciting ways, while also giving students the ability to learn from each other. Augmented reality can be used to teach people how to do something, by allowing them to see how it’s done first hand, which helps them retain more information than traditional methods of teaching would allow. For example: if you were trying out a new recipe in the kitchen but weren’t sure how long the dish should cook or what temperature it needs before serving up on your plate–you could use augmented reality technology such as Google Glasses or Microsoft HoloLens so that you can experience cooking these meals yourself!

Virtual realty is all about the numbers, but augmented reality has a better story to tell.

The big promise of virtual reality is that it will transport you to another world. It’s the reason why people are so excited about it, and the reason why companies like Facebook and Google are pouring billions into their VR efforts. But when you look at what these experiences actually offer, there’s a lot less than meets the eye.

In its current incarnation, VR can only take you so far–it offers an experience where you’re still aware of yourself as being separate from your surroundings (even if those surroundings are digital). This creates something akin to teleportation: You’re instantly transported from one place to another without really experiencing anything in between them. In other words: It’s not really “real.”

Augmented reality has none of these limitations; instead of trying to trick our brains into believing they’re somewhere else entirely (or just taking over our entire field of vision), AR lets us interact with objects around us while still letting us see through them as well.*

Augmented reality will change how we interact with the world around us in ways that are hard to predict today

The possibilities are endless.

Augmented reality will change how we interact with the world around us in ways that are hard to predict today, but here are a few examples:

  • Augmented reality will allow us to experience history as if it were happening right now. Imagine looking out at an empty field and seeing the battlefields of Gettysburg or Waterloo unfolding before your eyes. You can walk through them as if they were right there in front of you–you’ll see soldiers fighting for their lives and dying for their countries, cannons firing at each other across muddy fields, horses galloping across battlefields towards death or glory…it’s all there! And it’s real! You don’t need any special equipment; just look up into the sky and see it all happening before your very eyes (or rather behind them). As long as someone has recorded what happened on those grounds over 100 years ago then anyone can experience this amazing moment in history anytime anywhere without ever having been there before themselves!


Augmented reality is the next frontier of technology, and it will change the way we interact with the world in ways that are hard to predict today.